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Minnesota Media Arts Engagement Opportunities

There are numerous ways to engage with Minnesota Media Arts, through memberships, volunteers, media production teams, sponsorships and donations.


We have three levels of annual membership; Individual $300, and Organization/ NonProfit $500, and Corporate $750. All levels offer MNMA’s professional consulting and guidance to help make your preservation efforts and resources meet your project goals.

Our Members receive:

  • "MNMA’s Collection Care Resources Toolkit" (media asset and equipment inventory spreadsheets, metadata guidelines, asset intake google form, resources list for supplies, labels, boxes & gloves)

  • Two to four hours of complementary consulting services to help launch their media preservation projects.

  • Media Collection storage assessment and recommendations for improved stability, security and organization. $75 per hr.

  • Expertise and evaluation of your existing legacy media equipment that may still be functional in meeting media conversion preservation objectives. $50 per hr, $100 transportation.

  • Member discounts on media preparation and digital conversion services that can help launch your preservation project.

  • An association with like-minded preservation archive producers and specialists who are on the forefront of providing consistent solutions addressing the magnetic media crisis.

  • The invitation to join in our annual fall fundraising GiveMN campaign through special projects promotions.

  • Access and knowledge to MNMA’s additional funding strategies and preservation solutions for media collection care and media digital conversion projects.

  • A resource directory listing shared among members. When we engage subcontactor services in media collection care and digital media conversion, on a per project basis, we often look to our member resources.

  • Membership meet-up invitations, to review preservation strategies, discussions, answer questions and celebrate our successes.

Media Collection Care Management program:

MNMA offers an emergency program for media collection care impacted by environmental issues, house sale, moving or downsizing. We provide an onsite assessment process to evaluate your collection’s stability and security plus a visual “box level” photo inventory. We will also provide recommendations for improved storage solutions.

This program is fee based and may include additional costs for storage supplies like boxes, labels or shelving. The program duration is approximately three to six weeks and costs can range from $2,500-7,500 depending on collection size and rush services. Upon signing a $500 collection care emergency agreement, we will provide an initial assessment and project estimate. (Members receive a 30% discount) Please ask for more information on MNMA’s contact us form.

MN Media Arts members Kathleen Laughlin and Mark Stanley with special guest
Sheryl Mousely, former film curator at the Walker Art Center.


We are accepting volunteer assignments to assist MN Media Arts in various administrative and project related tasks. Please ask for more information on our contact us form.

Administrative and operational tasks include:
Social media, website updates, Facebook, LinkedIn, blogging.
Space and Facility search committee assistance for MNMA new office.
Technical assistance: computer and legacy video equipment repair and maintenance

Fundraising: Grant writing and fundraising campaign communications.
Membership: Development and recruitment services and communications.
Collection care: Metadata cataloging, visual inventory, asset ID labeling and storage assessment. Video encoding specialist, Digital media transfer services.

Media Production:

MNMA has both training workshops, volunteer crews for multi-camera production. Please ask for more information on MNMA’s contact us form.

Support Our Work:

MNMA appreciates receiving Donations for “contributing support” toward our media preservation mission.

Sponsorships are also available for special educational projects, outreach workshops and collaborative events. Please ask for more information on our contact us form.

MN Media Arts
Minneapolis, MN

Online Contact Form
Phone: +1 (612) 361-7476